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Knowledge import

Knowledge import

You can transfer knowledge to AIsuru in two different ways:

πŸ“‚ Other file types can be processed by AIsuru if they are first exported in PDF format or through the construction of ad-hoc importers.

How the import page works

In the Import / Export section of our digital twin, you can set various settings for file processing. We can:

At the end of the page, we will see a preview of how our file will be read by the machine, and we can launch the content import.

How AIsuru learns our contents

Once the import is launched, AIsuru begins to divide our document into various paragraphs, on which it will ask one or more questions. Each question corresponds to a precise answer.

This learning methodology allows AIsuru to immediately create certified and reliable contents without requiring any human intervention.

Upload di un file PDF su AIsuru
Uploading a PDF file on AIsuru

What if I have documents in another language?

AIsuru allows the import of documents written in various languages. We officially support Italian, English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, and Finnish.

The contents of documents learned in a different language will be automatically translated.

Exporting knowledge

If we want to export our knowledge, we can do so directly from the AIsuru user interface in formats:

Esportazione della conoscenza di AIsuru in formato JSONL per il fine-tuning su OpenAI
Exporting AIsuru's knowledge in JSONL format for fine-tuning on OpenAI

What else do I need to know?

We have seen how to create and manage one's knowledge base with AISuru. Recently, it has become increasingly clear how high-quality certified content will become real corporate assets with actual economic value.

For this reason, we have worked hard to make the import and export of knowledge extremely simple and flexible.

πŸ‘‰ If you want to delve deeper into knowledge management, you can take a look at content management, Open Badges, or the Board of Experts.